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What can computers tell us about Shakespeare?

Séminaire "Modernités Britanniques"
Quand ? Le 02/05/2018,
de 18:00 à 19:30
Où ? ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, D2.018
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Participants Gabriel Egan
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What can computers tell us about Shakespeare's early editions and authorship?

Professor Gabiel Egan is the renowned author of Green Shakespeare : from ecopolitics to ecocriticism (2006) and The Struggle for Shakespeare's Text: Twentieth Century Editorial Theory and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2010). A Shakespearian scholar, Professor Egan defines himself as a (would-be) Digital Humanist : he is at the forefront of research into digital cultures, has co-edited several books on computational stylistics (Stylometric analysis of Early Modern English plays in 2017) and is editor of The New Oxford Shakespeare: Authorship Companion (Oxford University Press, 2017). His focus on digital scholarship includes widening access to research and he was the principal investigator of the 'Shakespeare London Theatres (ShaLT)' project undertaken in partnership with the Victoria and Albert Museum, which develops resources connected with the physical history and legacy of Shakespeare's London theatres.