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Chercheuse invitée : Emily Ridge

Emily Ridge, lecturer à l’Université de Galway, est chercheuse invitée du 1er septembre 2024 au 30 juin 2025 au laboratoire IHRIM (UMR 5317) et au Département des langues, littératures et civilisations étrangères de l’École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.

emily ridge

Emily Ridge is a Lecturer in the School of English, Media and Creative Arts at the University of Galway, having previously taught at City University of Hong Kong and the Education University of Hong Kong. She teaches in the areas of modernism, twentieth-century literature and modern women’s writing. Her first monograph, Portable Modernisms: The Art of Travelling Light (published by Edinburgh University Press in 2017), examined the heady effects of a new ‘travel light’ ethos on authorial practice and vision during the modernist period, but it equally tracked the changing resonances of this idea against a backdrop of political displacement and war from the 1930s onwards, when portability became less a choice than a necessity. She completed a further project, funded by a Hong Kong Research Grants Council award, on the complicated politics of literary hospitality in and around the Second World War, resulting in a volume of essays (co-edited with Jeffrey Clapp) on the subject of the intersecting concerns of security and hospitality in modern and contemporary literature and culture (Routledge 2015), as well as articles and book chapters on the work of Stefan Zweig, archival methodologies and on the interwar administration of hospitality at the English P.E.N. During her time at the ENS de Lyon, she is working on completing her second monograph on the topic of mid-century British women writers and emotion regulation. Related to this project, she co-edited a special issue (with Alexandra Peat) on ‘Discourses of Emotional Labour’ in Women: A Cultural Review in 2023.

Référente : Vanessa Guignery