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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Actualités / Section Anglais / John Webster, "The Duchess of Malfi" Reconsidered

John Webster, "The Duchess of Malfi" Reconsidered

Colloque international - agrégation d'anglais
Quand ? Du 13/12/2018 à 08:00
au 15/12/2018 à 18:00
Où ? ENS de Lyon, site Descartes, Amphithéâtre Descartes
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Participants Confirmed Keynotes:
Dympna Callaghan (Syracuse University)
Jane Kingley-Smith (Roehampton University)
Michael Neill (University of Auckland)
Wendy Wall (Northwestern University)
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Scientific committee:

  • Sophie Chiari (Université Clermont Auvergne)
  • Anne-Valérie Dulac (Sorbonne Université)
  • Sophie Lemercier-Goddard (ENS de Lyon)
  • Michèle Vignaux (Université Lumière Lyon 2)


Secrets, lies, dismembering, incest, madness, mental torture, lycanthropia, brutal murders : there is little that The Duchess of Malfi (c. 1613-1614) shies away from, inflicting on its spectators a whirlwind of conflicting passions and emotions. Webster’s drama has been labelled as baroque, grotesque, mannerist, gothic or feminist. Against Bosola, the figure of the malcontent who also embodies the typical early modern overreacher, the Duchess stands as a symbol of female transgression before she is eventually crushed by evil and male power. A masterpiece of Jacobean theatre, The Duchess of Malfi reinvents the genre of the revenge tragedy, and beyond the Renaissance concept of tragedy, explores the construction of gender, the class structure of a changing society and the complex interlacing of desire, violence and cruel laughter

Ce colloque est soutenu par le Labex COMOD et s’inscrit dans son aire Modernités anglo-saxonnes. 


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